GLSEN encourages homosexual teachers–even in the youngest grades–to be open about their sexuality, as a way of providing role models to “gay” students. Similarly, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a homosexual activist organization that targets schools, has spearheaded the formation of “Gay-Straight Alliances” among students. At the same time, defenders of homosexuality argue that youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts should be forced to include homosexuals among their adult leaders. Scandals involving the sexual abuse of under-age boys by homosexual priests have rocked the Roman Catholic Church. Only by exposing the lies, insincere denials, and deceptions - including those wrapped in scholastic garb - of those who prey sexually on children, can we hope to build a wall of protection around the helpless children among us.
All too many later perpetrate the abuse by themselves engaging in the sexual abuse of boys.
For too many boys it is already too late to protect them from those who took advantage of their need for love and attention. Summary: The circle of abuse is the tragic legacy of the attempts by homosexuals to legitimize having sex with boys.